Given below are the steps in the paper submission and publication process and these may answer any concerns regarding our Publishing Ethics and Processes. The Administrative Editor is open to answering any other queries that anyone may have. Address all the correspondence to the Administrative Editor only, E-mail:
As can be checked on our website about the papers' present status and from the full text available online of the published issues of various journals, the contributors to our journals are from all over the world including regions like USA, Europe, South East Asia, Asian Countries, China and Africa.
1. Manuscript for Publication: The Author(s) submit manuscript via e-mail to: or send it to: Administrative Editor, B-2 (Ground Floor), South City II, Gurgaon 122 018, Haryana, India.
The Author(s) prepare and submit a manuscript for publication in accordance with Instructions to Contributors, Guide for Contributors and Format to Prepare Manuscript of the journal. Manuscripts which do not fully confirm to Journal style will be returned to the Authors.
1. Instructions to Contributors
2. Guide for Contributors
3. Journal Paper Format
2. Authorization and Declaration: The authors accept full responsibility for the content of their articles. The Members of the Editorial Board and the Publisher of the journal are not responsible for the statements and opinions expressed by the authors in their articles and write-ups published in the journal. While submitting the paper, the author(s) provide a declaration about financial support, assure that there is no plagiarism, and that fraudulent data has not been used in the paper. If there is more than one author, they need to provide a statement stating that all authors have contributed to the research and that “the paper has not been published or sent for publication elsewhere”, the same research will not be published in more than one journal, and that the research is real, original and authentic work.
The authors are required to ensure that any study that involves human or animal subjects conforms to national, local and institutional laws and requirements, and they must confirm that approval has been sought and obtained where appropriate. The authors obtain permission from human subjects and respect their privacy.
If the work involves the use of human subjects, the author ensure that the work described has been carried out in accordance with The Code of Ethics of the World Medical Association (Declaration of Helsinki) for experiments involving humans; Uniform Requirements for manuscripts submitted to Biomedical journals. Authors include a statement in the manuscript that informed consent was obtained for experimentation with human subjects. The privacy rights of human subjects is always be observed.
Authors are aware to secure informed consent from the individual and include the following ethics statement in their manuscript: 'The studies involving human participants were reviewed and approved by [full name and affiliation of ethics committee]'. Written informed consent to participate in this study was provided by the [parent or guardian if the participant is a minor or incapable or patient/participants' or patient/participants legal guardian/next of kin].’ If the authors state that ethics approval or specific consent procedures were not required for this study, we request further evidence. If the issue cannot be resolved, it is transferred it to the editorial office using the human studies statement verification form. Authors check with their institution to make sure they are complying with the specific requirements of their institution and seek ethics approval where needed.
The authors promptly notify the journal Editor if a significant error is identified in their publication. The authors also cooperate with the editor and publisher to publish an erratum, addendum or corrigendum notice where it is deemed necessary.
The author's maintain an accurate record of data associated with their submitted manuscript and supply or provide access to this data when requested.
◙ Check about the Authors of the Paper: As per policy of the journal, if the paper once submitted for processing then no change in the author/s list will be accepted in any form
3. Paper Received and Screening of the Paper: Editors act in a responsible, objective, balanced and fair way while carrying out duties. They do so without discrimination on the grounds of gender, sexual orientation, religious or political beliefs, ethnic or geographical origin of the authors. They handle submissions for sponsored supplements or special issues in the same way as other submissions, such that articles are considered and accepted solely on their academic merit and without commercial influence. The Editors adopt and follow reasonable procedures in the event of an ethical or conflicting nature to give authors a fair opportunity to respond to complaints. They ascertain that documentation associated with any complaints is retained.
Further, the Editors strive to meet the needs of readers and authors, constantly improve the journal, ensure the quality of the material they publish, champion freedom of expression, maintain the integrity of the academic record, preclude business needs from compromising intellectual needs, and always are willing to publish corrections, clarifications, retractions and apologies where needed.
The Editors’ decisions to accept or reject a paper for publication is based only on the paper’s importance, originality and clarity and the study’s relevance to the journal. A description of the peer review processes is published and the Editors justify any important deviation from the described process. The Editors publish guidance to authors on everything that is expected of them and are regularly updated.
Every paper, which is received for publication, is screened only (not reviewed) for its suitability for publication in a journal on the basis of,
◙ Topic of research
◙ Contents of the text
◙ Citation of recently published literature and presentation of paper as per format of the journal designed by the Members of the Editorial Board.
4. Formalıtıes: If the paper is considered for the journal than the First or the Corresponding Author is asked to complete the following formalities:
◙ To Provide List of Referees: The authors are requested to provide the contact details of at least three potential peer reviewers or list of Referees for the paper, who may be asked to review the paper with the instructions that the Referees’ present status must be Either Senior Lecturer or Assistant Professor or Reader or Associate Professor or Professor (University / Institute) in the field of specialisation as the subject of the paper demands to whom we may request for review of the paper and the Referees should be other than the Members of Editorial Board of the Journal, who are known to the authors and aware of the research activities of their Department/Institute, but are not from their Department/ Institute). They should be experts in the field of study, who will be able to provide an objective assessment of the manuscript's quality. The paper will also be sent to others Referees for review in addition to the List of Referees provided by the Corresponding or First Author.
Authors are requested to provide the following information about the Referees:
Full Name:
Present Status:
Field of Specialization:
Name and Address of Institute/Department/University:
Postal Address:
Email (required):
◙ An Article and an Issue Charges of the Research Journal: The first or corresponding author is required to pay for an article and an issue charges of the research journal. For Details see Publication Charges Policies
Publication Charges
5. Processing and Acceptance of a Paper: A paper is accepted and published only after the following formalities are completed (there is no time limit to publish a paper in a KRE Journal). However, minimum time for publication for most of the papers is about four to eight months.
◙ Comments from the Referees for the paper are received
◙ Revision of the Paper and Check for Language by the author completed
◙ Paper to the Editor for any further revision and approval
◙ Final Plagiarism Check
◙ Corrections of Galley Proofs by the Author received
◙ When the paper is accepted for publication, it is communicated to the author via e-mail
List of Papers – Present Status
6. Format of the Paper and Language: The Contributor is asked to check in case the paper is not as per format of the journal, then correct it to avoid delay in the processing of the paper. As most of the papers are received from the countries where English is a second language, to avoid delay in processing of the paper the contributors are advised to get the paper checked for language and italicize the local words.
7. Please Check Don’t Use:
◙ Political tone and comments on any region, race/ethnic group, religion, class, caste etc.
◙ Any copyright material (figure/tables etc.) in the paper. However, the author may write about that in the text.
1. Review of Article: All papers and articles submitted are subjected to peer review. The possible exceptions are in the case of occasional invited papers and editorials, or where a partial or entire volume is devoted to a Special Theme. Please note that all accepted papers for this journal are subject to originality checking. To avoid potential problems, it is ensured that all citations and sources are fully disclosed at the point of submission.
2. Referees for Review of Paper: The Authors are required to participate in the peer review process of a paper. Editors must ensure that any material submitted to their journal remains confidential while undergoing review. The Editors publish a guidance to referees on everything that is expected of them and this is regularly updated.
The Referees’ judgments are objective, that is, they should have no conflict of interest with respect to the Author(s), the research and/or the research funds. The Referees should point out any relevant published work, which has not yet been cited, and reviewed articles are treated confidentially.
This journal uses a double-blind review, which means that both the Reviewer’s and Author’s identities are concealed from the Reviewers, and vice versa, throughout the review process.
3. Peer Reviewers: The Paper is sent to the three Referees (who are specialized in the field of the topic of the Research Paper) with the Referees’ Report Form for providing his/her comments in that form (double-blind review). The Referees are requested to provide their comments within a six to eight week time period.
The List of Referees who have reviewed the Research papers of each journal is available on our website.
List of Referees (who have reviewed the papers)
For each published paper we have followed this procedure. In case anyone wants to check, we can provide him/her the Paper with Referees and Editorial Comments and List of Referees who have reviewed that paper, Revised Version of that paper, further corrections if any in the paper, galley proofs of the paper with corrections if any, and final printed version of the paper.
The Referees’ are responsible for contributing to the decision-making process and for assisting in improving the quality of the published paper. They do so by reviewing the manuscript objectively, in a timely manner. They maintain the confidentiality of any information supplied by the editor or author, and not retain or copy the manuscript. They are be aware of any potential conflicts of interest that they might have with the paper (financial, institutional, collaborative or other relationships between the Referee and Author), and alert the Editor about these, if necessary, and thereby withdraw their services for that manuscript.
4. Paper for Revision: After receiving comments from the Referees, these are forwarded to one of the Editors to check the comments and prepare a report with the Editorial Comments. The paper with comments from the Editor is forwarded to the Office of the Administrative Editor, where Copy Editor screens the paper for format of the paper as per style of the journal and after that it is forwarded to the Corresponding Author with related documents for revision. The revision of the paper falls under four categories (Minor Revision/ Moderate Revision: No need to referee again, Acceptable after Substantial Revision: Needs to be re-referred/ Not Acceptable in the Present Form). Each Revised Paper is checked by the Copy Editor for format of the paper as per journal style, Language Editor and one of the Editors. In case there is still any problem, the Corresponding Author is asked to correct it before submitting it to the press for processing. Almost all the papers received and published so far have been revised by the Corresponding Authors.
5. Plagiarism Check: Paper checked through plagiarism detection software - Crossref Similarity/iThenticate
Plagiarism Check
6. Digital Object Identifier (DOI): Kamla-Raj Enterprises is member of crossref DOI Number (DOI: 10.31901) will be given with Journal ISSN Number, Year of Publication, Volume No., Issue No. and Reference No. of the paper.
7. Galley Proofs: The galley proofs of each paper are sent to the Corresponding Author to check and correct in case there are still some corrections. The corrected galley proofs of a paper is submitted to the proofreader and to the press. The final galley proofs are sent again to the Corresponding Author for his/her approval before final printing of the paper and the text is made available online.
8. Presence of Ethics Statements: The journal is transparent about their ethical requirements for authors and published works. The journal uses COPE organization’s principles
Check the Link for COPE:
Presence of Ethics Statements:
The journal is guided and adopted by the core practices and policies outlined by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).
All who have made a significant contribution should be given chance to be cited
as authors. Other individuals who have contributed to the work should be
acknowledged. Articles should include a full list of the current institutional
affiliations of all authors, both academic and corporate.
Competing Interests
All authors, referees and editors must declare any conflicting or competing interests relating to a given article. Competing interests through their potential influence on behaviour or content or perception may undermine the objectivity, integrity or perceived value of publication.
Sources of funding received for the work described in the paper or for publication itself, for all authors, must be mentioned within the publication
Research Results
It is unethical to fabricate, falsify and selectively report data with the intent to mislead or deceive as is the theft of data or research results from others. The results of research should be recorded and maintained to allow for analysis and review. After publication, the data should be retained for a reasonable period and made available upon request. Exceptions may be appropriate in certain circumstances in order to preserve privacy, to assure patent protection, or for similar reasons.
Human and Animal Rights
If the work involves the use of human subjects, the author/s ensure that the work described has been carried out in accordance with The Code of Ethics of the World Medical Association (Declaration of Helsinki) for experiments involving humans; Uniform Requirements for manuscripts submitted to Biomedical journals. Authors have to include a statement in the manuscript that informed consent was obtained for experimentation with human subjects. The privacy rights of human subjects are always observed.
Authors are aware to secure informed consent from the individual and include the following ethics statement in their manuscript: 'The studies involving human participants were reviewed and approved by [full name and affiliation of ethics committee]'. Written informed consent to participate in this study was provided by the [parent or guardian if the participant is a minor or incapable or patient/participants' or patient/participants legal guardian/next of kin].’ If the authors state that ethics approval or specific consent procedures were not required for this study, we request further evidence. If the issue cannot be resolved, it is transferred it to the editorial office using the human studies statement verification form. Authors should check with their institution to make sure they are complying with the specific requirements of their institution and seek ethics approval where needed.
All animal experiments should comply with the ARRIVE guidelines and should be carried out in accordance with the U.K. Animals (Scientific Procedures) Act, 1986 and associated guidelines, EU Directive 2010/63/EU for animal experiments, or the National Institutes of Health guide for the care and use of Laboratory animals (NIH Publications No. 8023, revised 1978) and the authors should clearly indicate in the manuscript that such guidelines have been followed.
Peer Review Policy
We are committed to prompt evaluation and publication of fully accepted papers. To maintain a high-quality publication, all submissions undergo a rigorous review process. Characteristics of the peer review process are as follows:
◙ Simultaneous submissions of the same manuscript to different journals is not acceptable.
◙ Manuscripts with contents outside the scope will not be considered for review.
◙ Papers will be refereed by at least 2 experts as suggested by the editorial board.
◙ In addition, Editors will have the option of seeking additional reviews when needed. Authors will be informed when Editors decide further review is required.
◙ All publication decisions are made by the journal's Editors-in-Chief on the basis of the referees' reports. Authors of papers that are not accepted are notified promptly.
◙ All submitted manuscripts are treated as confidential documents. Board of Reviewing Editors and reviewers treat manuscripts as confidential material as well.
◙ Editors and reviewers involved in the review process should disclose conflicts of interest resulting from direct competitive, collaborative, or other relationships with any of the authors, and remove oneself from cases in which such conflicts preclude an objective evaluation. Privileged information or ideas that are obtained through peer review must not be used for competitive gain.
◙ Our double-blind peer review process is confidential and identities of reviewers cannot be revealed.
◙ Journal conducts external as well as internal double-blind peer review process which is confidential and identities of reviewers are not revealed.
Recommended Citations in Peer Review
During the peer review process, or when authors have their work provisionally accepted for publication, they may encounter instances where Handling Editors or peer reviewers ask them to consider citing additional sources to ensure a more comprehensive discussion. These references may include papers published in the same journal. World Scientific strongly opposes the practice of demanding authors to include references solely to boost citation numbers without any scientific justification, commonly known as "coercive citation". Nevertheless, we acknowledge that there are situations where suggesting recent items for inclusion is valid, particularly when they guide readers to relevant discussions related to previous issues of the Journal. The decision to incorporate such references is solely left to the authors and must not be a prerequisite for manuscript acceptance. Authors who believe they are facing undue pressure to include such references are encouraged to contact
Reproducing text from other papers without properly crediting the source
(plagiarism) or producing many papers with almost the same content by the same
authors (self-plagiarism) is not acceptable. Submitting the same results to more
than one journal concurrently is unethical. Exceptions are the review articles.
Authors may not present results obtained by others as if they were their own.
Authors should acknowledge the work of others used in their research and cite
publications that have influenced the direction and course of their study.
World Scientific is a member of CrossCheck. All manuscripts submitted will be checked for plagiarism (copying text or results from other sources) and self-plagiarism (duplicating substantial parts of authors' own published work without giving the appropriate references) using the CrossCheck database. Plagiarism is not tolerated. If plagiarism is discovered postpublication, we follow our guidance outlined in the Corrections and Retractions section.
Duplicate Submission
Simultaneous submissions of the same manuscript to different
not tolerated. The submitted article will be removed without consideration.
Corrections and Retractions
All authors have an obligation to inform and cooperate with journal editors to provide prompt retractions or correction of errors in published works.
◙ The journal will issue retractions if:
• There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable, either as a result of misconduct (e.g. data fabrication) or honest error
(e.g. miscalculation or experimental error);
• The findings have previously been published elsewhere without proper crossreferencing, permission or justification
(i.e. cases of redundant publication);
• It constitutes plagiarism;
• It reports unethical research.
◙ The journal will issue errata if:
• A small portion of an otherwise reliable publication proves to be misleading (especially because of honest error);
• The author list is incorrect (i.e. a deserving author has been omitted or somebody who does not meet authorship
criteria has been included).
Other forms of misconduct include failure to meet clear ethical and legal requirements such as misrepresentation of interests, breach of confidentiality, lack of informed consent and abuse of research subjects or materials.
The primary responsibility for handling research misconduct is in the hands of those who employ the researchers. If a possible misconduct is brought to our attention, we will seek advice from the referees and the Editorial Board. If there is the evidence, we will resolve the matter by appropriate corrections in the printed and online journal; by refusing to consider an author's future work, for a given period, and by contacting affected authors and editors of other journals.
Minor misdemeanours may not lead to formal investigations, but are just as damaging given their probable frequency, and should be corrected by teachers and mentors.
Data Sharing
encourage authors to share the data in their research provided the data sharing
conforms to relevant privacy regulations imposed by the studies. Authors are
also encouraged to cite data and provide a data availability statement to
confirm the presence or absence of shared data.
How to Raise a Concern
strive to adhere to the standards guided by the core practices and policies
outlined by the Committee
on Publication Ethics (COPE).
Anyone who believes that research published by World Scientific has not been carried out in line with these principles should raise their concerns with the relevant editor, or will be addressed by following COPE guidelines where possible.